CSR Programme

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Our approach.

Develop a principle of intelligent deconsumption by promoting circularity, eco-efficiency and certified sustainable resources.


Reduce our natural resource footprint

We are committed to using certified fibres and to growing
the proportion of recycled materials in our products.
This helps to preserve natural resources and to reduce
our dependence on virgin raw materials.

Use decarbonised energy

By using energy sources with the lowest carbon intensity score,
we reduce our production-related greenhouse gas emissions.

Reduce water consumption

By improving our production methods, we reduced
our water consumption by 70% between 2013 and 2020.
By reactivating a dam that now provides us with
a 55,000 m³ water store, 41% of the water we consume
is now rainwater.

Improve processes

By making our production processes use less energy,
we are shrinking our total energy footprint, thus contributing
to higher Made in France energy efficiency.

Optimisation of product grammage
and material quantities used

By adjusting grammage without compromising on wiping
and absorption quality, we offer high-performance products
while minimising our use of materials.

Optimisation of unit and packaging size

By adjusting the size of our products, we reduce
waste and improve the efficiency of the materials we use.

Eco-designed dispensing systems

that guarantee hygiene and limit consumption.

Introduce a circular service

By developing a service that lets paper towels be reused
– the Renovelar Tissue Circle –
we convert waste into resources and promote a circular economy.

Picto CO2

Thanks to this model, which fuses innovation and respect for the environment at every stage of our products’ life :

  • Design (less raw materials)
  • Production (lower-carbon energy),
  • Use (less waste from product use

Renovelar products generate 30% less CO2 per sheet than the rest of Europe.

The ClimatePartner certification proves that a company regularly measures its carbon footprint, sets reduction targets, reduces its emissions, finances climate-related projects, and communicates transparently on these steps.

At Renovelar,
we think
waste is a resource.

That’s why we developed the Renovelar Tissue Circle:
a virtuous process for recycling used hand towels.

Download our CSR report