The brand

We are

We are the visionary brand of a group founded more than 150 years ago.The most recent creation of Groupe MPH1865, we champion long-standing know-how and embody the hope of fresh impetus.

Our name.

It meansrenew in Ardèche patois: a nod to our local roots and our wish to reinvent the hygiene sector

Our ambition.

Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, by offering hygiene solutions that are increasingly efficient and suited to everyone’s needs.


Develop a principle of intelligent deconsumption by promoting circularity, eco-efficiency and certified sustainable resources.

Picto CO2

Our values.


We combine economic, energy and manufacturing performance through a circular service model.


We help our customers to make money by generating savings on their overall costs.

Innovation & creativity

We continually elevate our quality standards by developing novel, groundbreaking techniques.


We pursue a principle of intelligent deconsumption to create solutions that are more sustainable and responsible.